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Marry | A Music Bot

Relax and chill to audio in your own voice channel.


Play an unlimited amount of music

Get started by listening to music right away with /play. Control the music in any way you want. Want to skip the song? Want to seek a specific part? Want to pause and resume it?  You can do all of this with Marry!


Easily customize to your own liking!

Setup your server so it is personalized to     your liking! Setup a logging channel to know what is going on in your server and disable certain sections that you don't want.


View uptime and performance

View public uptime and performance of Marry and other bots associated with Marry here.

Have some fun

Have some fun and have interactions within your server with some integrated fun commands like /joke and /dog

Help and Support

Come join the development and support Discord server if you have any questions pertaining to Marry or want to be up to date with all the new features.

See all the commands

Visit the documentation to view all the in-depth information about Marry's commands and other things Marry has to offer.

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