View information on all commands and features of Marry!
All commands are application/slash commands. Use /help in Discord to view a list of all the commands or see them below
Usage: /add-moderator-role [@role]
What this command does: Add a role that can use the moderation commands.
Additional information: None
Usage: /remove-moderator-role [@role]
What this command does: Remove a role that can use the moderation commands.
Additional information: None
Usage: /moderator-roles
What this command does: See the current moderator roles.
Additional information: None
Usage: /set-dj-role [@role]
What this command does: Set the DJ role.
Additional information: There can only be one DJ role.
Usage: /remove-dj-role
What this command does: Remove the DJ role.
Additional information: This allows everyone to use the music commands.
Usage: /set-log-channel [#channel]
What this command does: Set what channel the logs will be sent to.
Additional information: None
Usage: /enable-logs [section]
What this command does: Enable a section of commands to be logged in the log channel.
Additional information: None
Usage: /disable-logs [section]
What this command does: Disable a section of commands to be logged in the log channel.
Additional information: None
Usage: /configs
What this command does: View the current settings of the bot.
Additional information: None
Usage: /ban [@user] (reason)
What this command does: Ban a user from the server
Additional information: Must have ban members permission or moderator role
Usage: /unban [@user]
What this command does: Unban a user from the server
Additional information: Must have ban members permission or moderator role
Usage: /kick [@user] (reason)
What this command does: Kick a user from the server
Additional information: Must have kick members permission or moderator role
Usage: /clear-messages [amount]
What this command does: Clear a certain amount of messages from a channel
Additional information: Must have manage messages permission or moderator role.
Usage: /mute [@user] (days) (hours) (minutes) (seconds) (reason)
What this command does: Mutes a user from typing
Additional information: Must have timeout members permission or moderator role.
Usage: /unmute [@user]
What this command does: Unmutes a user from typing
Additional information: None
Usage: /voice-mute [@user] (reason)
What this command does: Mutes a user from talking in voice channels
Additional information: Must have mute members permission or moderator role.
Usage: /voice-unmute [@user]
What this command does: Unmutes a user from talking in voice channels
Additional information: Must have mute members permission or moderator role.
Usage: /remove [@user] (reason)
What this command does: Disconnect the user from their current voice channel
Additional information: Must have move members permission or moderator role
Usage: /dj [@user]
What this command does: Gives the user the DJ role. Doesn't do anything if the DJ role is not set
Additional information: Must have manage roles permission or moderator role
Usage: /remove-dj [@user]
What this command does: Removes the DJ role from the user. Doesn't do anything if the DJ role is not set
Additional information: Must have manage roles permission or moderator role
Usage: /connect
What this command does: Tells Marry to connect to the voice channel you are in
Additional information: None
Usage: /disconnect
What this command does: Tells Marry to disconnect from the voice channel you are in
Additional information: None
Usage: /play [search/query]
What this command does: Play a song based on the search
Additional information: None
Usage: /play-spotify [Spotify URL]
What this command does: Play a song from Spotify
Additional information: None
Usage: /play-soundcloud[search/query]
What this command does: Play a song from SoundCloud
Additional information: None
Usage: /search [search/query]
What this command does: Search for a song. (shows top 5 results)
Additional information: None
Usage: /search-soundcloud [search/query]
What this command does: Search for a song from soundcloud. (shows top 5 results)
Additional information: None
Usage: /pause
What this command does: Pauses the current audio playing
Additional information: None
Usage: /resume
What this command does: Unpauses the audio playing
Additional information: None
Usage: /skip
What this command does: Skips the current audio
Additional information: None
Usage: /stop
What this command does: Stops all audio.
Additional information: None
Usage: /shuffle
What this command does: Shuffle the queue of audio's
Additional information: None
Usage: /loop
What this command does: Toggle a loop for the current audio
Additional information: None
Usage: /seek [position]
What this command does: Seek a position in the audio
Additional information: Format - MM:SS. Example: 1:32
Usage: /fast-forward [seconds]
What this command does: Fast forward the current track
Additional information: None
Usage: /rewind [seconds]
What this command does: Rewind the current track
Additional information: None
Usage: /queue
What this command does: See the queue of audio's
Additional information: None
Usage: /clear-queue
What this command does: Clears the entire queue of audio
Additional information: None
Usage: /volume [0-150]
What this command does: Set the volume of the audio
Additional information: Must vote for Marry to be able to use this command
Usage: /now-playing
What this command does: See information on what audio is currently playing
Additional information: None
Usage: /lyrics [Song]
What this command does: Sends the lyrics of a song.
Additional information: Uses genius for lyrics
Usage: /dog
What this command does: Sends a random dog picture and fact
Additional information: None
Usage: /cat
What this command does: Sends a random cat picture and fact
Additional information: None
Usage: /fox
What this command does: Sends a random fox picture and fact
Additional information: None
Usage: /panda
What this command does: Sends a random panda picture and fact
Additional information: None
Usage: /flip-coin
What this command does: Flips a coin
Additional information: None
Usage: /roll (sides)
What this command does: Rolls a dice
Additional information: The default is 6 sides
Usage: /joke
What this command does: Sends a random joke
Additional information: None
Usage: /invert [@user]
What this command does: Inverts a users profile picture
Additional information: None
Usage: /gayify [@user]
What this command does: Puts a rainbow on a user's profile picture.
Additional information: None
Usage: /tweet [message]
What this command does: Make a fake tweet.
Additional information: None
Usage: /user-info [@user]
What this command does: Sends information about a user
Additional information: None
Usage: /server-info
What this command does: Sends information about the server
Additional information: None
Usage: /report-bug [bug] [error]
What this command does: Report a bug to the developers
Additional information: None
Usage: /ping
What this command does: See Marry's ping.
Additional information: None
Usage: /stats
What this command does: Shows the bot's statistics and uptime
Additional information: None
Usage: /uptime
What this command does: Get the link to upvote Marry
Additional information: None