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View information on all commands and features of Garry!

Anchor 1


Useful: If a command needs a mention and you only have an ID you can use <@!PUT_ID_HERE> to ping that user. Example: <@!809137955795894302>



() = Optional
[] = Mandatory


Help config -

Aliases: None
Usage: .help config
What this command does: Sends information on the config commands
Additional information: None



Setprefix -

Aliases: None
Usage: .setprefix [prefix]
What this command does: Sets the prefix of the bot (per server)
Additional information: None



Setlogchannel -

Aliases: logchannel
Usage: .setlogchannel [channel id]
What this command does: Sets the channel for the logs to go
Additional information: it logs joins, message edits, message deletions, bans, kicks, nickname changes, profile picture changes



Welcomechannel -

Aliases: welchannel
Usage: .welcomechannel [channel id]
What this command does: Sets the welcome channel
Additional information: The channel to send the welcome message to



Welcomemessage -

Aliases: welmessage
Usage: .welcomemessage [custom message]
What this command does: Sets the custom message to be sent in the welcome message when someone joins the server
Additional information: None



Leavechannel -

Aliases: leaveschannel
Usage: .leavechannel [channel id]
What this command does: Sets the leave channel for the leave message to be sent to
Additional information: Channel to send a message when someone leaves the server



Configs -

Aliases: None
Usage: .configs
What this command does: Shows all the configs of the server
Additional information: Shows the prefix, log channel, and suggestions channel



Help moderation -

Aliases: help mod
Usage: .help moderation
What this command does: Sends information on the moderation commands
Additional information: None



Kick -

Aliases: None
Usage: .kick [@user] (reason)
What this command does: Kicks a user from the guild (Server)
Additional information: If the reason is not specified it will be set to none



Ban -

Aliases: None
Usage: .ban [@user] (reason)
What this command does: Bans a user from the guild (Server)
Additional information: If a reason is not specified it will be set to none



Unban -

Aliases: None
Usage: .unban [@user or ID]
What this command does: Bans a user from the guild (Server)
Additional information: If a reason is not specified it will be set to none



Mute -

Aliases: Timeout
Usage: .mute [@user] [time] (reason)
What this command does: Puts a timeout on a user for the time specified
Additional information: s|m|h|d



Unmute -

Aliases: untimeout
Usage: .unmute [@user]
What this command does: Removes the timeout from a user
Additional information: None



Clear -

Aliases: purge
Usage: .clear [amount of messages]
What this command does: Deletes a certain number of messages from the channel it is sent in
Additional information: If no amount of messages is specified it will delete 10 messages



Slowmode -

Aliases: None
Usage: .slowmode [time] (h/m/s or off)
What this command does: Sets a slowmode for the channel the command is sent in
Additional information: The user must have the manage messages permission



Serverslowmode -

Aliases: None
Usage: .serverslowmode [time] (h/m/s or off)
What this command does: Sets a slowmode for every channel in the server
Additional information: Must have manage channels permission



Nickname -

Aliases: Nick
Usage: .nickname [@user] [nickname]
What this command does: Sets the nickname of the user that is mentioned
Additional information: If no nickname is specified it will reset the user's nickname to their default discord name



Help music -

Aliases: help audio
Usage: .help music
What this command does: Sends information on the music/audio commands
Additional information: None



Connect -

Alisases: join
Usage: .connect
What this command does: Connects to the voice channel
Additional information: None



Disconnect -

Alisases: leave, dc
Usage: .disconnect
What this command does: Disconnects from the voice channel
Additional information: None



Play -

Alisases: p
Usage: .play [search]
What this command does: Plays a song based on the search query
Additional information: Searches from YouTube



Pause -

Aliases: None
Usage: .pause
What this command does: Pauses the audio
Additional information: None



Resume -

Aliases: None
Usage: .resume
What this command does: Resumes the audio
Additional information: None



Stop -

Aliases: None
Usage: .stop
What this command does: Stops all audio
Additional information: None



Skip -

Aliases: None
Usage: .skip
What this command does: Skips the current audio
Additional information: None



Loop -

Aliases: None
Usage: .loop
What this command does: Toggles loop for the current audio
Additional information: None



Queue -

Aliases: q
Usage: .queue
What this command does: Shows audio's in the queue
Additional information: None



Clear-queue -

Aliases: cq, clearqueue
Usage: .clear-queue
What this command does: Clears the queue
Additional information: None



Volume -

Aliases: vol
Usage: .volume [volume]
What this command does: Adjust the volume of the audio
Additional information: None



Now-playing -

Aliases: np, nowplaying
Usage: .now-playing
What this command does: Shows the song that is currently playing
Additional information: None



Help fun -

Alisases: None
Usage: .help fun
What this command does: Sends information on the fun commands
Additional information: None



Rps -

Aliases: None
Usage: .rps ['r', 'p' or 's']
What this command does: Play a game of rock paper scissors with the bot.
Additional information: R = Rock, P = Paper, S = Scissors


Ping -

Aliases: pong
Usage: .ping
What this command does: Sends the ping of the bot
Additional information: None



8ball -

Aliases: eightball
Usage: .8ball [question]
What this command does: Tells your fortune
Additional information: None



Dice -

Aliases: roll
Usage: .dice (amount of sides)
What this command does: Rolls a dice of the specified number of sides
Additional information: None



Generate -

Aliases: numgenerator
Usage: .generate [Minimum number] [Maximum number]
What this command does: Generates a random number between the min and max number specified in the command
Additional information: None



Guessinggame -

Aliases: guess
Usage: .guessinggame (Maximum Number) (Max Guesses)
What this command does: Play a guessing game
Additional information: Max number defaults to 20 and Max Guesses defaults to 10. You can also type 'quit' if you don't want to wait 30 seconds for the timer to run out.



Flip -

Aliases: None
Usage: .flip
What this command does: Flip a coin
Additional information: None



Clap -

Aliases: None
Usage: .clap [message]
What this command does: Clap 👏 your 👏 message
Additional information: None



Dog -

Aliases: doggo
Usage: .dog
What this command does: Sends a picture of a dog!
Additional information: None



Cat -

Aliases: kat
Usage: .cat
What this command does: Sends a picture of a cat!
Additional information: None



Invert -

Aliases: None
Usage: .invert (@user)
What this command does: Inverts the user's avatar
Additional information: None



Jail -

Aliases: None
Usage: .jail (@user)
What this command does: Puts the user's avatar in jail
Additional information: None



Wasted -

Aliases: None
Usage: .wasted (@user)
What this command does: Makes the user's avatar wasted
Additional information: None



Blur -

Aliases: None
Usage: .blur (@user)
What this command does: Blurs the user's avatar
Additional information: None



Help economy -

Aliases: None
Usage: .help economy
What this command does: Sends information on the economy commands
Additional information: None



Work -

Aliases: paycheck, daily
Usage: .work
What this command does: Receive your daily paycheck
Additional information: Can only use every 12 hours



Beg -

Aliases: None
Usage: .beg
What this command does: Beg for money
Additional information: Can only use every 10 minutes


Withdraw -

Aliases: wd
Usage: .withdraw [amount]
What this command does: Withdraw money from your bank account
Additional information: None



Deposit -

Aliases: dp
Usage: .deposit [amount]
What this command does: Deposit money into your bank account
Additional information: None



Send -

Aliases: None
Usage: .send [@user] [amount]
What this command does: Sends money to another user
Additional information: None



Rob -

Aliases: None
Usage: .rob [@user]
What this command does: Rob the user mentioned
Additional information: If the user doesn't have money in their wallet you can't rob them



Slots -

Aliases: None
Usage: .slots [amount]
What this command does: Gamble your money
Additional information: None


Shop -

Aliases: None
Usage: .shop
What this command does: Shows you the shop
Additional information: None



Buy -

Aliases: None
Usage: .buy [item] (amount)
What this command does: Buys an item from the shop
Additional information: If no amount is specified it only buys one



Sell -

Aliases: None
Usage: .sell [item]
What this command does: Sells an item in your inventory
Additional information: None



Inventory -

Aliases: bag, inv
Usage: .inventory
What this command does: Shows you your inventory
Additional information: None



Leaderboard -

Aliases: lb
Usage: .leaderboard
What this command does: Shows you the global leaderboard
Additional information: None



Help miscellaneous -

Aliases: misc
Usage: .help misc
What this command does: Sends information on the miscellaneous commands
Additional information: None



Userinfo -

Aliases: info
Usage: .userinfo (@user)
What this command does: Sends information on the user mentioned
Additional information: None



Roleinfo -

Aliases: None
Usage: .roleinfo [@role]
What this command does: Sends information on the role mentioned
Additional information: None



Avatar -

Aliases: pfp
Usage: .avatar (@user)
What this command does: Sends the Avatar (Profile Picture) of the user
Additional information: None



Remind -

Aliases: remindme
Usage: .remind
What this command does: Answer Prompts to send a DM of your reminder at the time you have specified. Ex: .remind 2h30m
Additional information: Make sure to have DM's enabled for the server you are sending the command in.



Suggest -

Aliases: None
Usage: .suggest [suggestion]
What this command does: Sends a suggestion to the suggestion channel set
Additional information: None



Calculate -

Aliases: calc
Usage: .calculate [equation]
What this command does: A calculator
Additional information: Look at calchelp below



Calchelp -

Aliases: None
Usage: .calchelp
What this command does: Sends a list of operators to use with the calculate command
Additional information: None



Id -

Aliases: None
Usage: .id (@user)
What this command does: Shows the ID of the user
Additional information: None



Status -

Aliases: uptime
Usage: .status
What this command does: Gives information and statistics on the bot
Additional information: None



Stats -

Aliases: serverstats
Usage: .stats
What this command does: Gives information on the server/bot
Additional information: None



Website -

Aliases: web
Usage: .website
What this command does: Sends a link to this website
Additional information: None



Vote -

Aliases: None
Usage: .vote
What this command does: Sends a link to to vote for Garry
Additional information: None



Docs -

Aliases: documentation
Usage: .docs
What this command does: Sends a link to the documentation of Garry
Additional information: None



Help giveaway -

Aliases: None
Usage: .help giveaway
What this command does: Sends information on the giveaway commands
Additional information: None



Giveaway -

Aliases: None
Usage: .giveaway
What this command does: Starts a giveaway
Additional information: It will start giving you prompts to follow to set up



Reroll -

Aliases: None
Usage: .reroll [message id] (channel id)
What this command does: Rerolls the winner of the giveaway
Additional information: [Channel id] is of the channel the giveaway message was sent in and [message id] is the giveaway message sent that others reacted to

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